Pageant Divisions & Ages
Petite Miss (3-5 years old)
Little Miss (6-7 years old)
Junior Miss (8-9 years old)
Preteen Miss (10-12 years old)
Young Miss (13-14 years old)
Mandatory Phases of Competition
Petite Miss: Beauty, On-Stage Question, Fitness
Little Miss: Interview, Beauty, On-Stage Question, Fitness
Junior Miss, Preteen Miss, Young Miss: Talent, Interview, Beauty, On-Stage Question, Fitness
Optional Phases of Competition
* To be eligible for Majestic Titles, contestants are required to compete in ALL PHASES OF COMPETITION.
Petite Miss and Little Miss: Talent and Photogenic
Junior Miss, Preteen Miss, and Young Miss: Photogenic
Royal Miss Title
*To be eligible for Royal Miss Title, contestants are required to compete in
Closed Title
The winners (Petite Miss, Little Miss, Junior Miss, Preteen Miss, Young Miss, Royal Miss, Mini Majestic, and Majestic Miss) must forfeit any title they hold at the time of crowning (unless they will farewell within 1 month of being crowned a Garner title). If the winner decides to not give up a previous title then the Garner title will be revoked and the crown, sash, trophies, and prizes must be returned. There will not be any refunds. If the title holder competes in another pageant and wins before her farewell for the Garner title, then the Garner title will be revoked (unless the new title is awarded within a month prior to farewell). This means that no appearances can be made representing that Garner title and she will not be allowed to farewell at the pageant. If the Garner title holder decides to compete at NCOLM and she wins then she may still make appearances with the court if she chooses to do so, but she cannot farewell. She could participate as a visiting queen and entertain at the Garner pageant. If a girl holds a title of Carolina Princess (any preliminary) they are allowed to compete and hold a Garner title if they win.
Competition Guidelines
Beauty: All Divisions
Age appropriate dresses that are simple and elegant. Dresses for all contestants should be floor length gowns. No gloves. (There are many web sites that offer beautiful gowns at very affordable prices.)
Fitness: All Divisions
Required attire includes the Garner’s OLM t-shirt (purple), white shorts/skort, white socks and white tennis shoes. T-shirts can be decorated (not cut) to show off the girl’s personality. No hats or sunglasses. No decorating shorts/skort, socks or shoes.
Private Interview: Little, Junior, Preteen & Young Divisions
Off the Rack Sunday dress. Arrive for your interview 15 minutes prior to your assigned time. If you are late, your interview will be moved to the last interview of the day. This will be a stand up interview with podium if available. Questions will be based on the contestant questionnaire and the Community Service Platform Statement (if submitted). There will be an overall interview winner in both the Mini and Miss Level.
Time Limit: 6 minutes
Talent: Junior, Preteen, & Young Divisions
Talent time limit is 2 minutes. There will be an overall talent winner in both the Mini and Miss Level. This is an optional category for Petite & Little Divisions (required for the Mini Majestic title).
This is an optional category for all divisions (required for the Mini & Miss Majestic title). To enter submit the required fees and 5x7 picture/s (labeled with contestant name and division on back, use label-do not write on the photograph) in black and white or color. Headshots will be the only photographs accepted for photogenic, others will be disqualified and fees forfeited. Please obtain a photo release form or letter from any/all photographers. There will be an overall photogenic winner in both the Mini & Miss Level. Photogenic scores are not added into division title scores. Photos will not be returned. Please understand that if any photo submitted of the contestant that appears to have been altered by the photographer will be disqualified, fees forfeited, and the contestant will be ineligible for a Majestic title (i.e. Bud Moffett photos).
Additional Awards
Community Service Award: All Divisions
This is optional. A Platform Statement is required to be considered for the Community Service Award. Judges choose the winner of this award. Contestants must submit to be eligible for the Royal Miss title.
Miracle Maker: All Divisions
Awarded to the contestant that raises the most donations for the Children’s Miracle Network/Garner Educational Scholarship.
Garner OLM Spirit Award: All Divisions
The contestants vote for the fellow contestant that they feel has been the nicest and most helpful to their fellow contestants.
Ambassador Award
Awarded to the contestant that sells the most ad pages in addition to the required one page minimum for the program book. All ad pages are $50 each.